12:03 in Norman

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諾曼共和國 / 第一章:模擬的生活
「從小,我其實是個在學校不太敢跟別人說話的小孩,只敢在家裡說話,從那時候開始,畫畫對我來說好像可以代替說話,剛到美國,學的是設計與剪接,幾乎比較少畫畫,因為好像在這方面比較少獲得他人的回應,之後我跟著一位在當時候蠻有名氣的插畫家Michael Economy工作,他送我幾本質感很好的素描本,建議我繼續畫畫,我便開始又畫畫,甚至一天畫一幅畫,直到有個挪威室内設計師 Lena Tingstrom在部落格上看到我的作品並且主動連絡我,跟我說她很喜歡我的畫,問我能否將作品賣給她時,那時候心中興起一種難以說出來的認同感。」陳柏豪認為,從小對外在世界的排拒依然跟著他,畫畫則是他最想做也需要做的事,種種的生命歷程,加上之後他在世界各地旅行的經驗豐富了他的藝術創作,問起他最喜歡的藝術家,他以非常讚賞的語氣說:「Henry Darger!!在他作品中所虛構的一切真是太美了!」
諾曼共合國(Republic of Norman)是陳柏豪為畫中人物所創造的國度,裡面的人物來自北方,深深吸引陳柏豪的正是北方冷冽的感覺。活在諾曼共合國第一章節中的人物,雖然得以在那個國度裡卸妝、鬆懈,卻不停訴說著許多話語_關於那些奇怪的時間或空間及思考自我存在問題..等等,表現出對未來茫然、無力的不確定感,雖然是悲傷的,但至少是個開始,畢竟,這還是第一章。
這次在高雄舉辦個展,對陳柏豪來說是一直以來的夢想,然而對畫廊而言,意義也是相當特別的,十年前他是La Strada步道咖啡館的客人,十年後他是半九十茶屋及畫廊的第一位客人,也因為這樣與他熟識後,促成了這次的合作,希望藉由這個展覽,讓大家看到一個藉由夢想的實現,而且可以走人生下一個階段的年輕藝術家。
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Republic of Norman / Chapter One :Imitation of Life
Skyler Chen Solo Exhibition

Born in Kaohsiung in 1982, Skyler went to the United States to study design after graduating from Chung-Hwa School of Arts. He spent time in Salt Lake City, Utah, further developing his artistic skills. In 2006, he relocated to New York and established his own studio. His main medium is acrylic on canvas, but has also ventured into the fields of video art and sculpture. In 2006, he expanded into the internet and, via his blog, allowed his work to be appreciated by a greater audience. During this time, his output was so prolific that he averaged a painting a day.
The characters found in his paintings illicit not only feelings of melancholy but also joy through the subtle reference to clowns; showing the sadness that goes hand in hand with joy. Even though the tone of his paintings is somber, Skyler's works are more exemplified by his unique and intimate style which allows for a dialogue with his figure paintings. The people in his work try to conceal the anger they feel to the real world and the construct of the United Nations. The uniformity created by the hats that they wear and their relatively homogenous visages allow for an egalatarian society with equal access to protection. At the same time, this conformity disallows closer interpersonal contact and causing them to be lonely.
“ I was a quiet child, too shy to speak with the other children at school and only speaking at home. Painting allowed me to express what I couldn't in words. When I first arrived in the United States, I focused more on design and editing and painting less so as these disciplines seemed more acceptable to others. After working for the notable illustrator Michael Economy, he sent me a few scetch books and urged me to continue painting. So I started painting again, sometimes up to a painting a day. The Norwegian interior designer Lina Tingstrom discovered my work via my blog and took the iniative to contact me. When she said that she liked my work and asked if she could buy some, it gave me a sense of recognition that is difficult to describe.”
From an early age, Skyler has stood aside and resisted conforming to the world around him. The urge to paint has driven him and allowed him to experience all the facets of life. His travels around the world have enriched his art, and as said by one of his favorite artists, “Henry Darger! The fiction in his work is really beautiful!”
The Republic of Norman is the fictitious country where Skyler's paintings are set. The people come from the far north, and are reserved as people from cold climates tend to be. “Life in Norman” was the first chapter in the series and introduced the people of the Republic. Even though the people in the country are free from ornamentation, they are always using the“in between” times and spaces to discover the meaning to their existence. Even though they may have feelings of uncertainty and anxiety about the future, they know it is only the beginning and much can still happen.
Exhibiting in Kaohsiung has always been a dream of Skyler's, and this exhibition has special meaning to us since he was a customer at La Strada ten years ago, and ten years later he was the first customer at the Tea For The Last Ten Miles Of Long Journey(半九十) and the GALLERY. Since we are so close to Skyler, we hope to help him realize his dream and help him continue on to the next phase of his life as a young artist.


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